Common New Year Investment Resolutions

Common New Year ‘Investment’ Resolutions

We’re going to take a look at working with future planning and the choices you have

You’ve probably made some New Year’s resolutions, like millions of other Britons. Now it’s up to you to figure out how to make them a reality. It will be easier to achieve your goals if you have a personal lifestyle financial plan in place early on. It will be easier to handle your money in the future. With so many savings and investing alternatives available, you may feel overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed can lead to writing common New Year investment resolutions without a specific plan.

You’re undecided about which option is best for you. That’s where we come in to lend a hand. It’s never too early to begin planning. The sooner you figure out what you want to achieve, the better. The sooner you start working on a strategy to reach them, the more likely you are to succeed. A specific financial plan for your lifestyle is now more vital than ever. In these instances, people must be informed of how to better handle their finances during severe economic times.

To survive and prosper in today’s world, you’ll need to make money work for you and find new sources of income.

How do I create a personal financial plan that tailors to my lifestyle?

A successful lifestyle financial plan can assist you in gaining control of your finances and providing opportunities for both short and long-term success. So, where do you begin when creating a personal financial plan for your lifestyle?

Asking questions is a good way to start: What brought me here? Why am I thinking of doing this now? What does having a great plan mean for me? Why would I want to do something like this? What exactly is a personal lifestyle financial plan, and how would it benefit me? What stage am I in my goals right now, and what steps do I need to do to get the best results for myself? What are the advantages of having a well thought out strategy for me? How would my life be different if I have a competent financial management system in place? Based on where I am now, where do I see myself financially in three years? What do I want to gain personally or professionally from this?

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you figure out exactly what you want from your personal financial strategy for your lifestyle. You’ll be taking the first steps toward achieving long-term personal financial success by asking yourself these questions and providing honest, well thought out responses. Before you invest, it’s a good idea to have a clear idea of why you’re investing and how you’ll reach your objectives. It may take some time to plan your finances, but the results are well worth the effort. You’ll have more money at all times if you take a proactive attitude, and you’ll be able to partake in even more of life’s indulgences when you need them most. Doing this will separate you from the common New Year investment resolutions.

Things investors should consider in the New Year

Understanding your ‘number,’ or the amount of money you’ll need to ensure complete peace of mind in knowing your future lifestyle is secure and ensuring you don’t run out of money before you run out of life, is an important part of putting together a successful personal lifestyle financial plan. We’ll be able to give you with a thorough action plan that is centered on you after we get to know you and what you want to accomplish. We can gain a comprehensive grasp of your current lifestyle, future goals, and the life you wish to live by designing a total wealth solution for you.

Needs for liquidity

This is critical in order to satisfy liabilities and fund expenditures over the following two to five years. Cash and/or a high-quality bond ladder should be used to hold investments that are stable and low-volatile.If you don’t prepare ahead for your liquidity needs, you can end up having to sell assets at a loss.

Assessing your cash flow needs for the next two to five years and setting aside funds to fulfill them establishes a buffer between cash needs and market returns, lowering the danger of being compelled to sell high-return assets at the wrong moment. Low-volatility assets, such as short-term fixed income and cash, as well as borrowing facilities, are typically used in this strategy.

Lifetime balance

This will allow you to achieve your financial objectives for the rest of your life, and it is often well-diversified across asset classes with a growth bias. The precise composition is determined by your circumstances, objectives, financial personality, and values. These assets are intended to last a lifetime. These assets can be focused on long-term growth, with an asset allocation customised to your risk appetite and the family’s ambitions, now that your liquidity plan has addressed your short-term cash demands.

Future generations

These are assets that are in excess of what you’ll need to achieve your long-term goals. Given the significantly longer time horizon, your approach to your legacy strategy investment portfolio could be more aggressive and less liquid than your liquidity or longevity plan investments. This technique has been allocated to help others, both inside your family and in society. This will often contain cash flows that will persist beyond your lifetime, such as philanthropic initiatives and assets placed aside for future generations.

This approach has the ability to invest in asset classes that offer an illiquidity premium, such as private equity, or investment themes that seek to profit from long-term developments in society or technology, given the ability to focus over a very long investing time horizon.

Investment goals and timescales will influence your risk profile

The terms ‘saving’ and ‘investing’ are frequently used interchangeably, yet they have quite distinct meanings when it comes to your financial objectives. As a result, understanding the risk associated with both is beneficial when planning for your financial future. You can make better judgments and increase your chances of accomplishing your objectives if you understand the various dangers and how much risk you are willing to take. The danger of losing some or all of your initial investment is known as risk. Risk is not something usually considered in common new year investment resolutions.

We don’t like to gamble with our money, but the truth is that there is no such thing as a “risk-free” investment. When you invest, you’re always accepting some risk, although the amount varies depending on the sort of investment. As a general rule, the more risk you’re willing to accept, the larger the potential profits or losses. The level of risk varies depending on the type of investment.
Bond funds, for example, are generally less hazardous than stock funds, though there are always outliers.

Money placed in safe deposit boxes, such as savings accounts, has the potential to lose purchasing power over time. This is due to the fact that the interest rate paid does not always keep pace with rising prices (inflation). Index-linked investments that track inflation, on the other hand, may not always track market interest rates. As a result, if inflation declines, you may earn less interest than you anticipated.

Stock market investments may outperform inflation and interest rates over time, but you risk selling at a low price when you need to sell. This could result in a poor return or even loss of money if prices are lower than when you bought. You can’t totally avoid risk, but you can control it by investing over time in a variety of different things, which is known as ‘diversification.’

Speaking with a financial advisor to avoid falling into common new year investment resolutions

Building a thorough plan with realistic goals and achievements is a great way to make sure you actually stick to it. Putting down the same old goals is the way you fall into the trap of the common new year investment resolutions that then don’t get followed. And then the whole process is demoralising.

Speaking with our financial advisor can be a real breath of fresh air. It can help no end to have someone with a wealth of experience to bounce ideas off of and create a thorough and tailored financial plan with personalised investment advice. All you have to do is contact us today and arrange a meeting and we will take it from there.

Regulatory Statements


All investments involve a degree of risk of some kind. This section describes some of the risks which could be relevant to the services we provide you. We may provide further risk information during the course of our services to you, as appropriate.

Our services relate to certain investments whose prices are dependent on fluctuations in the financial markets outside our control. Investments and the income from them may go down as well as up. You may get back less than the amount you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

True Advice Financial Services is a trading style of TA and SE Hollom Ltd. Which is an Appointed Representative of New Leaf Distribution Ltd. Which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority : Number 460421.

Registered Office : New Leaf Distribution Limited, 165 – 167 High Street, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 7QA


Tony Hollom