Lets look at portfolio diversification

Lets look at portfolio diversification

Why should you spread your savings and investments?

Lets look at portfolio diversification. When it comes to navigating the ups and downs of market returns, investors tend to naturally want to buy low and sell high. But no one can say when they will happen. You’ll have the foundation needed to minimise your total exposure to market volatility if you maintain sufficient portfolio diversity and avoid the hazards of market timing.

There would be no need to diversify our investments if we could see into the future. We could simply pick a date when we needed our money back and then chose the investment that would provide us the best return on that date. It could be a stock in a corporation, a bond, gold, or any other type of asset. The obvious issue is that we lack the ability to see into the future.

Putting together a bunch of different investments

By combining a variety of investments, diversification helps to mitigate this risk. Managers actively modify the mix of assets they hold to match current market conditions in order to maximise the performance potential of a diversified portfolio.

The overall asset mix, target markets within each asset class, and the risk profile of underlying funds within markets are all places where modifications can be made. An environment of good or recovering economic growth, as well as a healthy risk appetite, is likely to lead to a higher allocation to equities and a lower allocation to bonds.

When markets are doing well, the manager may shift into more aggressive portfolios, while when conditions are more tough, the management may move into more cautious portfolios.

Taking into account asset allocation

The phrase “asset allocation” simply implies “the distribution of assets.” Selecting how to distribute your funds among several asset types (such as shares, bonds, and cash), as well as how much you wish to invest. Lets look at portfolio diversification.

Your overall asset allocation should reflect your future capital or income needs, the timeframes until those capital sums are needed, the degree of income sought, and the level of risk you are willing to take. It’s all about risk and reward when it comes to investing.

Asset allocation not only spreads risk naturally, but it can also help you increase your returns while keeping, or even lowering, your portfolio’s risk level. The majority of sensible investors would desire to maximise their returns, but each investor has their own risk tolerance.

Changing your tolerance to risk

Portfolios can include a variety of assets, each with its own set of characteristics, such as cash, bonds, stocks (company stock), and real estate. The goal of dividing your money among different assets is to spread risk through diversification and to understand these characteristics and how they affect how a portfolio performs under various scenarios.

Investments can go up as well as down, and the ups and downs you experience are dependent on the assets you own and how the markets are performing. It’s an unavoidable aspect of investment.

Furthermore, the potential returns and risks associated with various types of investments alter over time as a result of economic, political, and regulatory events, as well as a variety of other factors. Lets look at portfolio diversification.

Over time, your risk tolerance will shift. For example, investors in their twenties may not be concerned about a 30% drop in the market because they believe they have enough time to ride it out. Investors in their 40s, on the other hand, who have commitments such as a mortgage and a family, may place a greater emphasis on protecting against such losses.

Taking everything into account and getting professional advice

With all the moving factors, it can be tough to decide for yourself what is the best route to take. Having a financial advisor here at True Advice who has over 35 years experience, places us well to help you. Get in touch today to see how we can help.

Regulatory Statements


All investments involve a degree of risk of some kind. This section describes some of the risks which could be relevant to the services we provide you. We may provide further risk information during the course of our services to you, as appropriate.

Our services relate to certain investments whose prices are dependent on fluctuations in the financial markets outside our control. Investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

True Advice Financial Services is a trading style of TA and SE Hollom Ltd. Which is an Appointed Representative of New Leaf Distribution Ltd. Which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority : Number 460421.

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Ashley Hollom
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