Refreshing Your Financial Plan

Refreshing Your Financial Plan In 2023

Refreshing your financial plan is not something that is typically easy to do. First off, where do you even start? There are many factors to look at. Whether that be your current investments or assets, your plans for retirement or your weekly budgeting habits. Personal finances are a broad spectrum and it wouldn’t do the subject justice to summarise all of it in one place. There’s multiple areas and factors that need to be considered and that is without getting into each individual’s circumstances.

To really get started on refreshing your financial plan there are a many things you can do and many things to look at. Let’s go into detail on some key and relevant topics below to help break this sizable topic down into something more manageable.

Have you planned for the rising cost of living

One of the most important challenges confronting many families today is the growing expense of living. Food, electricity, gasoline, and other basics have all risen dramatically in recent months. This has made it tough to make ends meet and strained many household budgets.

Reviewing your spending is key to refreshing your financial plan. The growing cost of living may be a significant issue, especially if you’re not careful with your money. Looking over your expenditures with a fine tooth comb will help you identify areas where you can cut back and save money in the long term. Maintain a close watch on your budget and make changes as needed to ensure that you are aware of your outgoing expenditures and can modify your spending accordingly.

One of the most essential things you can do for your financial stability is to set away emergency reserves for when you need them. Having a nest egg available to you in times of need can help you weather a storm. One option is to open a separate savings account just for this reason. This manner, you may readily access the cash when needed while keeping them out of reach for ordinary expenditures. Try to save enough to cover three to six months’ worth of expenses, or as much as you can afford. The best thing to do is to include your savings as an expense in your budget.

How inflation may have effected your financial plan

Inflation has been the buzz word of the past year or so. It’s not something usually taken into account when refreshing your financial plan but here and now it’s as important as ever. Many people are unaware that inflation is eroding millions of pounds in low-interest accounts. While keeping some cash in the bank for an emergency fund is crucial, individuals may wish to examine alternative methods to make their money work harder.

3 ways to protect your money from inflation

  1. Determine how much money to set aside for an easy-access emergency fund. As a general guideline, attempt to cover your basic expenditures for three to six months, or what you can afford – for example, bills like electricity, mortgage, rent, travel, and food prices – so you’ll be prepared if the unexpected occurs. And you’ll know exactly how much money you need to maintain in cash (which is affected by inflation), so you can start saving any surplus money in inflation-proof methods.
  2. Obtain the best possible interest rate on your investments. Be certain that any financial savings you have are earning the maximum potential interest rate. Savings accounts and ISAs may now be switched reasonably simply. If you do discover a higher rate, keep in mind that it might change fast. Cash ISAs, for example, are frequently offered at high rates for the first year. After the first year, these rates can decline considerably. Set a reminder to keep an eye out for any new savings rates you come across.
  3. It’s critical to consider the long-term impact on pension payments, as well as the compounding impacts of investment. Consider supplementing your pension or investing in a Stocks and Shares ISA. It’s reasonable that you’re concerned about the future at this point, but the important thing to remember is that investing is for the long run. You can balance out the ups and downs of market volatility and economic uncertainty with time on your side. Furthermore, if you’ve established an emergency fund, investing your money is one of the greatest strategies to avoid inflation. You may increase your fortune while protecting its worth by investing your money.

Getting your pension and retirement in order

There will be a lot to think about as you reach the final five years before retirement. To live comfortably in retirement, you’ll need to consider your money, health, housing status, and future ambitions. There will be several questions to be asked: How much money do I need to save? What will my retirement income sources be? What type of retirement lifestyle do I want? What are my health-care requirements in retirement? What are my retirement long-term care requirements? What would my estate planning requirements be in retirement? What are my retirement tax considerations? When you approach retirement, there are several factors to consider.

There are a few things to review when it comes to your pensions. Let’s look at some in detail.

Tracking down your pension pots

There are several ways to locate a pension in the United Kingdom. The most basic option is to utilise the government’s Pension Tracing Service to assist you in locating missing pensions – go to: The most important thing is to keep accurate records and understand where your pension funds are placed. Update your records with your current contact information if you have changed employment or addresses. This will assist guarantee that you get any pension-related mail.

Looking at when you can access pension funds

You may now get your UK pension at the age of 55 (this will change to 57 in 2028 unless your pension plan has a protected lower pension age). But, this does not suggest that you will automatically earn your pension at this age; it only implies that you can begin receiving benefits if you so want. The precise amount and frequency with which you get your pension payments will be determined by the regulations of the individual scheme in which you participate. There is no defined retirement age for workplace or personal pensions, thus it is determined by the regulations of the specific programme.

Finding out the value of other investments

While preparing for retirement, you must receive an accurate evaluation of the worth of your other investments. This will influence how much money you must remove from your retirement accounts each year. If you have a big investment portfolio, you may be able to take less each year, allowing your retirement resources to last longer. The value of your other investments is likely to have an effect on how much income you’ll need to produce from them to cover your retirement needs. If you have a smaller portfolio, you may need to remove more each year to pay your expenses. Understanding the value will allow you to decide whether you are on schedule to retire.

Make a retirement budget

It’s no secret that retirement may be costly, especially with growing inflation. Apart from the obvious costs, such as housing and healthcare, there are a slew of other fees that may rapidly pile up. Retirees have a lot of expenditures to pay, from travel and recreation to food and utilities. That is why it is critical to prepare a retirement budget. You may find possible areas for improvement by examining where your money is going. A retirement budget does not have to be difficult to create. It should, however, cover all of your projected sources of income as well as all of your planned costs. Once you have a clear view of your financial flow, you can begin making changes to guarantee you have something to look forward to.

Actively keeping an eye on your estate and assets

No matter how much wealth you have amassed, this is a crucial aspect of wealth management. It’s the process of deciding how your assets will be allocated after your death or incapacity.
This issue does not simply affect the rich. Because of growing housing values and complicated family relationships, many of us are becoming more concerned about inheritance tax. Making provisions for your loved ones is an important aspect of estate and asset management. Estate preparation, including creating a will, is an important aspect of getting your affairs in order later in life.

Figuring out the best methods to leave money in a Will before you die will assist to make your loved ones’ life simpler after you’re gone. It can also serve to secure your estate for the beneficiaries listed in your Will, as well as lessen the incidence of Inheritance Tax. When you’ve spent your whole life accumulating personal fortune, you’ll want the peace of mind that when you die, your estate would go to your selected beneficiaries rather than the government. If you do not prepare correctly, you may have to pay Inheritance Tax on a considerable amount of your fortune. IHT is a key topic when refreshing your financial plan

We can assist guarantee that your loved ones are supported for when you die by providing competent financial guidance and proper estate preservation strategy. Your family may be left with nothing but bills and costs if you do not have a suitable strategy. Estate preservation planning provides you with piece of mind in knowing that your affairs are in order and that your loved ones will be taken care of when you pass away, which is especially essential for individuals with considerable assets.

Plenty of food for thought

As you can see, there’s a lot to consider when refreshing your financial plan. We have only just scraped the surface, there’s plenty more you can do and look at. Not all of it will be applicable to you though as everyone’s personal financial situation will be different. The best way to get concrete advice on your exact circumstances is to get in touch with one of our financial advisors who can assist you with this today.

Regulatory Statements

Equity Release

Equity Release plans are not right for everyone. And it is important that you fully consider your options and receive independent financial advice before making a decision. It is also important that, if you do decide to use an equity release product, you choose one that meets your needs.

Remember that taking an equity release plan is generally a long term option. However, there are flexible plans available that may fit your varying needs and some will allow you to repay in the future without penalties.

Buy to Let Mortgages

Some Buy to Let Mortgages are not regulated by the FCA.




All investments involve a degree of risk of some kind. This section describes some of the risks which could be relevant to the services we provide you. We may provide further risk information during the course of our services to you, as appropriate.

Our services relate to certain investments whose prices are dependent on fluctuations in the financial markets outside our control. Investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

True Advice Financial Services is a trading style of TA and SE Hollom Ltd. Which is an Appointed Representative of New Leaf Distribution Ltd. Which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority : Number 460421.

Registered Office : New Leaf Distribution Limited, 165 – 167 High Street, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 7QA

Ashley Hollom
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